The Makepeace family

This is the home page of the Makepeace family. Which Makepeace family? Well there are lots of them and we hope to keep a track of all of 'em! If you're a Makepeace, feel free to drop us a line, especially if you'd like to be mentioned here.

Our family:

Eira has quite a collection of family history which we're in the process of putting online. Here's a couple of samples though, a family tree starting from George MAKEPEACE, d. 1779 and one going back thirteen generations to 1622(!) for Christopher Paul Storrar MAKEPEACE b. 1974 (yours truly). These are both unannotated for privacy; if you're interested in the notes please contact us.

There used to be a wiki that anyone could edit and leave their details but unfortunately it has been abused by spammers and became useless despite quite a bit of effort by several folk here. When I have a little time I'll put something up to replace it.

In the meantime, ...

Recent (Alive!) Makepeaces

We've heard from, Say hello! Contact Paul.

And finally...

If you're in the UK check out Genes Reunited which has over 36million registered, including some more Makepeaces...
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